
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

YouTube: Homeschool Children Deprived of Childhood Without Santa

Hello people!  Anna here. Hans has been so busy lately, I am gonna' update you all again this time! Two posts in a row....aren't you lucky?

We have been excitedly moving forward on our series Biblical Nationalist Principles In Every Decision on Good Morning White America. The last two episodes have been discussions in the food aspects of life, and touching base on the health and "from scratch" issues.  We also have put out a few interviews with Adam Grey on Christmas traditions and White Nationalist boycotts.  Be sure to check out all of those episodes, as well as stay tuned for next week when we talk about our food budget!

We have put a few random videos up on YouTube recently, but my favorite so far has been Homeschool Children Deprived of Childhood Without Santa, starring several of the Gygax children.  Such a fun little skit that we enjoyed putting together as much as watching!  If you are ready for a smile, be sure to watch!

Stay tuned, as I am hoping in my free time (Ha! Said no mother of 9 children ever!) to have a giveaway review posted on YouTube for you all.  Hans and I are looking forward to what God has in store!

Anna Gygax