
Saturday, March 26, 2016

Swiss Kinist YouTube #2 Donald Trump is Controlled Opposition

YouTube Video Concerning Donald Trump

Our next video is up and loaded to YouTube: Donald Trump is Controlled Opposition. Unfortunately, there seem to be very few Kinists and/or folks on the alternate right who are not falling down at the feet of Donald Trump.

The video highlights some of, although not even close to all of the reasons why neither I nor Bret McAtee, support Donald Trump. In addition to what I mention, I want to key in on an important point in all this: Kinists have been known to chide anyone who has supported politicians, over the years.


When Gary Demar of American Vision came out in support of John McCain, 8 years ago, citing the doctrine of the lesser of two evils, Kinists were all over him. Demar argued that it was a waste to vote 3rd party, and that you should vote for John McCain, so that you could stop the election of Marxist Barack Hussein Obama.

I remember at the time, I tended to agree with Demar. I think I actually did vote for John McCain; from the perspective that he would do less damage to our liberties, and more potential good, than Obama would. So yes, McCain is a screwed up guy, but he isn't an ultra Marxist like Obama. So vote for McCain, right? No, not according to Kinists or the alternate right.

Fast Forward

Yet fast forward 8 years, and we have Kinists and their non-Christian companions falling all over Trump, praising him, defending him with vigor, and speaking as if he were the next Adolph Hitler (in a good way), even though none of what he believes, says, or has done in the past would give credence to this kind of faith in Trump.

Trump was already pretty bad, and guys like Nathanael Strickland of Faith and Heritage readily admitted Trump's many problems. But... it was always followed up by the belief that Trump has a chance to do something good that the previous politicians never have done. Now, more and more things come out to show he is truly not on our side. Take 25-30 minutes of your life to listen/watch Trump literally worship Israel and the "Jewish State" in his speech for AIPAC. 

What will the next excuse for Trump be? Anti-Jewishness is one of the hallmarks of Kinism. We see clearly that Jewish elites are a cancer in society, and the Jewish people as a whole (although not every single Jew) are anti-white, anti-Christ, and enemies of everything we believe in. Yet, despite Trump's commitment to "The Jewish State", no one in our movement will yet humble themselves to abandon their faith in Donald Trump.

So what is the anticipated response I am expecting? Well, something like Gary Demar's lesser of two evils justification: He is not as bad as the other guys. Then we have to ask ourselves: okay, why not vote for someone like Ted Cruz, if I believe maybe he is not as bad as Trump? After all, he has a better pro-gun record than Trump does, and holds a lot of our liberties very highly, as demonstrated by his voting record.

The Solution

The solution is to go back to how we started; withdrawal from any hope in the political process. Donald Trump is not an exception to the rule. He is simply a better thought-out, more deceptive version of the false choice the Jewish elite are giving us. He is controlled opposition.

All the hype about Donald Trump being good for Kinists, White Advocates, the Alternate Right, or any such group, is all false-hype and Parrotted (pun intended) lies, that have been repeated so often, that these groups actually think that Trump intends on helping us, and actually cares about us. He won't, and he doesn't.

If it wasn't so grieving, it would be comedy to see all the Twitter posts that alternate right folks make about Trump. Here is comedic example of how a dialogue might work, based on what I see on Twitter:

Alternate Right: Trump is going to do this, and that, and that, and this!! Yeah!!

Me: But wait, Trump never even said he was promising that. Besides, even if he was, since when do politicians keep their promises?

Alternate Right: Well, I just believe (faith) that he will! Yeah! Vote for Trump or you are a Cuck!!!

Okay, A Practical Solution
The only solution, as stated previously in other articles, and in the video, is to turn to the Lord Jesus Christ. We need to build godly communities, and separate ourselves from the system, a little at a time. We need to build an alternate community; not online, but in real life.

You would be much better off backing a project like Beyond Off Grid, which has receive far less of support than it deserves. I mentioned it previously here. Such a project will do 1000 times more for the white race, and for Christianity, than supporting a political candidate ever will. It is time for us to repent of our inaction in the important things, and our action in vain and futile efforts.

Swiss Kinist

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Swiss Kinist on YouTube: Christians Must Stand For Truth in All Areas and at All Costs

I kicked off my YouTube channel with a short Intro Video. Tonight (this morning, to be technical) I have posted my first official video, that actually has a topic. Enjoy! Think of it as a short sermon, directed at Christians who care about the truth, but are deceived by the current generation's lies (passed down to them for a couple of generations now).

"Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.

Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets." -- Luke 6:22,23

Christians are, by nature, to be the truth bearers and those in society who speak against evil, defend the innocent, and hate falsehood. This isn't the case in America. American Christians have bought into many historical lies and have thus participated in slander, joining hand-in-hand with Marxist Christ-haters, who want to destroy Christianity, Western Culture, and the White Race.

When presented with the truth, we need to repent, and turn to Christ in repentance. We must ask our Father in heaven for the courage to stand against the lies perpetrated upon us for generations. We certainly will be hated for it. The true test of our Christianity though, is when we do not back down from the truth, even in the face of false accusation.

"Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets." --Luke 6:26

Monday, March 7, 2016

Upcoming YouTube Videos March and April 2016

The YouTube channel is finally off the ground for Swiss Kinist. In addition to the Introduction Video, there are two episodes recorded, but not yet edited, and a 3rd video that will be in the making soon:

1) My take on Donald Trump- This is a long recording and I need to edit it down quite a bit

2) How Christians in this generation, in America, are entirely compromised on truth; how Christians ought to be the key players behind standing for truth against Marxist lies.

This one will end up being approximately 30 minutes, and I still need to edit it. And although I recorded the Trump video first, I will likely post this video before the Trump one, particularly because it will not take as long to edit.

I am hoping to get my video #2 above posted to YouTube by the end of this week, which should be no problem. Then I will post what I had on Trump, probably 2 weeks after that. I hope to have a 2 week schedule, but if I am able to do more often, I will.

3) A video review of a kitchen product that we own. My goal is to review and promote American made, quality products. The more of us who buy American made, the better opportunity we have to make an impact on Americans losing our jobs to foreigners.

As stated previously, I want to give the Christian perspective on all areas of life, down to the last detail. God is not indifferent to even the smallest of choices that we make. All that we do, should be done for the glory of God. And we need to think and act beyond the surface, and look down the road, instead of to only our immediate needs and situations.

Swiss Kinist

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

YouTube Channel Created

So to my 3 readers, I have started a YouTube channel that I hope will be a lot more balanced and frequent than my blog has been. It is just a whole lot easier to talk, than to write an article. My videos are going to mainly be off the cuff thoughts, similar to my Random Thoughts of Conviction. But there will be, God willing, other types of videos. The 2nd video I recorded, which is not yet posted, is a longer video, and concerns the Trump Phenomenon, and is based on the articles written by a Pastor in Michigan on at Iron Ink.

I also want to make my channel a Video Blog/Podcast. I plan to have guests, where we talk about current issues. Overall, as with this blog, my concern is not to attract as many people as possible, to be popular, to be liked, or any such thing. My goal and aim is to glorify Jesus Christ and represent him the best that I can, regardless of the consequences.