
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Should a Christian Go to the Beach?

Random Thought of Conviction 

My original thoughts and intentions about this blog was that I was going to write short posts. I know I have mentioned that before. But the writer in me (I have always loved writing, since my youth, and my oldest daughter has the same trait) always seem to want to write a long post. But today it occurred to me that I need to begin a trend in my blog of just writing random thoughts of conviction without having to tie it in to a broader topic or make it very elaborate. So here is my first real attempt at it. Here we go.

I mentioned in a previous blog post the Duggars and their "personal conviction" nonsense. But if you have read my writings, you will understand that Christian principles are universal in most cases. They may manifest themselves a little bit differently here and there, but the general principles stand. I even read today on a humanist blog/website, the blogger calling out the Duggars for being hypocrites because they say they do not judge others and that it is just their conviction, etc. Now, I absolutely disagree with just about everything this humanist wrote, but it is telling that the world does not buy into the Duggars' PC double-speak. Just as you cannot PC double-speak your way out of being called a racist, you cannot do so to avoid the criticisms of the ungodly; you might as well stand up for the whole truth without compromise and stop being ashamed of Jesus Christ and his words (Mark 8:38).

Holding back my urge to go into great detail (I might go into more detail in the future, perhaps), I will just say that there is not really a way that a true Christian can go to the typical public beach, or on the typical cruise, and not be totally grieved and want to leave the place. It is unbelievable the things that Christians will do to compromise obedience to the word of God. No, the Bible does not say "Thou shalt not go to the beach". But it contains various commands and principles such as:

"I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me." -- Psalm 101:3  (This also can apply to television and movies)


"Flee fornication..." -- 1Corinthians 6:18 (Yes, run away from the vile filth of whorish people who are at the beach)

Christians in America are entirely inconsistent with what they believe/practice. This is because they do not live by the word of God, but by what makes them feel comfortable; that and they do not want to be an outcast in the church and/or society. They do not want to be legalistic or a Pharisee.

When I think about all the lame arguments defending a Christian's right to go to the beach, I think of the same rhetoric that the ungodly use, such as in the article I referenced above:

"The Duggars are denying their children their only opportunity to see real bodies"

The Christian argument is similar to that, but typically you will hear them argue about how if you shield them from seeing/hearing certain things, then they will grow up later and indulge in them because they were so deprived. This is ridiculous. And the hypocrites that promote such ideas are entirely inconsistent. Let me explain.

Everyone has standards. And everyone has a line that they draw. There are always places (unless the person has entirely seared his conscience) where that person will not go, or things that person will not do; and they have their reasons why. The Christian who criticizes his brother because he will not go to the beach, and because he teaches against those Christians who do go to the beach; that same criticizer will refrain from going to a strip club, a porn theatre and so on. Both Christians are isolating either themselves or their children; but both Christians do not have the same standard. That is the only difference. So to judge a Christian who holds up a higher standard for the reason that such a Christian is being restrictive to either himself or his family is hypocritical. The only grounds of argument he can legitimately have against the Christian who has a higher standard, is that perhaps the Christian with the higher standard is restricting something that is good, wholesome, or needed (or all of the above), which is what the humanist author attempt to prove.

But one cannot demonstrate from the scriptures that going to a place where people are (for all practical purposes) naked is wholesome or good; nay, quite the opposite! I know that those of you who justify going to the beach have 1001 reasons why you think it is "not harmful" but you have to be totally dishonest with the scriptures and what you know is right, to do so. Decades ago it would never have been acceptable to have even half of the nakedness that is shown today. And for good reason. Repent, child of God! It is unthinkable that I should even have to write such a post! This is how far we have fallen.

You might be thinking there are exceptions. Maybe.... maybe in a very slim circumstance. But not hardly. And remember, everyone thinks they are the exception. That is the number one rule of American Christians.

This post did not turn out as short as I hoped it would be, but it was a good start.

Meditate on this scripture, my brethren:

"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." -- Ephesians 5:11

Swiss Kinist

Monday, February 23, 2015

Little Decisions Based on Biblical Principles (Introduction Post)

As I mentioned in my About Page, since Jesus Christ is Lord of all, it follows that every area of our life, yea, every detail of our life, must bring glory to Jesus Christ. God willing, I hope to run a series of blog posts regarding the topics of purchasing, spending, doing business, and time stewardship (all based on Biblical principles). I do not know how long the posts will be but I believe it will run about three posts, not including this introduction.

"Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." -- 1Corinthians 10:31

"And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him." -- Colossians 3:17

I am not going to delve into context arguments regarding these passages. I do understand the context of 1Corinthians 10, however, the general principle of verse 31 should be unquestionable as a doctrine for all Christians: Every single thing you do ought to be done in order to bring glory to Jesus Christ. This means that we have to think. This means it will require effort. Unfortunately, American Christians do not like to either think, nor work hard.

I was listening to a program on "Christian" radio the other day, called Chris Fabry Live. It is a secular type of Christian program; what I mean by that is, the lowest common denominator wins. He is one of those guys who thinks that we should never judge and he tries to appeal to the widest audience possible, instead of challenging people to change and to take up the cross. Why does he do this? Why, because he would lose listeners (and therefore money, or even his job) if he did it any other way. But I listen to him on my drive home from work because I want to hear what mainstream Christianity is talking about; plus it gives me teaching material for my children in devotions:

Children, this is how the typical Christian thinks. But this is what the Bible actually says we should think like and do.

Well, I admit, sometimes Fabry does say things that are consistent with the Bible and perhaps he is more of a Christian than I give him credit for; so a caller called in (the subject for the show was about Christians and their movie/entertainment choices), and basically said, "Just tell me what to watch and what not to watch so I can buy/rent what you say". Fabry, uncharacteristic of him, sort of rebuked her for being lazy and not wanting to think and use her knowledge of scriptural application to discern these things for herself. It was pretty funny coming from him because he always finds something nice to say about/to everyone.

Anyhow, all that to say, when it comes to what we eat, what we buy, what activities we participate in, and in general, just flat out how we spend our money; these things, Christians do not meditate on; they do not meditate on how to apply the word of God to these areas of life. They consider them unimportant or unspiritual. Or they are too lazy.

Most Christians do not really care what decisions they take. They are of the world, therefore speak (and think) of the things of the world, and are influenced in their thinking by the world (1John 4:5,6). And I am referring here to those who call themselves Christians, not those who genuinely are disciples of Jesus Christ.

Among those who are disciples of Christ (genuinely); these are the Christians who tend to ignore the areas of Christian life which I mentioned above. They are keen regarding things like honesty, kindness, doing general good deeds, having their daily Bible reading/prayer time, etc. This would include Anabaptists, who, although take much thought (as they should) in their attire, attitude, and all manners of holiness (including separation from the world), often do not consider what they are purchasing, eating, and drinking.

And then among some (such as Kinists) they are very keen regarding doctrine and discerning the enemy. They can see through the lies of the mainstream media, the so-called Church, and so on.

But all of these Christians, whether genuine or not, they all have one thing in common; they ignore the practical areas of life that involve the little things. But little things add up to big results, especially when the LORD God of heaven and earth is involved. Many times it is indeed the little things that count the most, just as it was in the situation of Achan the son of Carmi (Joshua 7).

Digging Deeper than the Surface

Just as mentioned in a previous blog post, there is a difference between living the Christian life with the goal of not sinning a great sin, and living the Christian life to do what most pleases God at all times. The problem with the typical Christian is that he can only think and reason spiritual things on the surface level. He does not think deeply about long term consequences of small choices he makes. Because on the surface, his choice only makes a minimal, or hardly noticeable impact. We will get into the details of how this all works when we start talking about purchase decisions and health decisions, and so on. But let's look at an illustration of long term vs. short term thinking in a different area of life (that we will not be talking about in this series):

A Christian man is discouraged because he thinks that his life is almost entirely useless. He thinks this because he is not the Pastor of a church, or any kind of leader of any sort. He works a job that does not make a huge impact on the community, and has no major area of direct influence.

I am going to use a worldly analogy here of football, even though I hate professional sports. If we were to use the football analogy, think of the offensive linemen on a football team. An offensive lineman, he is not the quarterback. He does not get to throw the ball to a receiver to make a play and score points. He is not the receiver, who catches the ball and scores. He is not the running back who runs the ball to gain yards or score. He does not make an inception of a pass, or make a big tackle at the goal line to stop a score. He does not block a kick or even kick a field goal or extra point. He does none of these things. He is basically ignored and receives no credit. But the offensive line is likely the key to winning and losing. The running back cannot run through a hole if there is none created by the lineman. The quarterback cannot throw the touchdown pass nor the receiver catch it, if there is no time to throw, created by the linemen. The linemen sort of have a hidden influence or indirect influence.

There are Christians in the kingdom of God who are sort of like linemen. As Paul states in his letter to the Corinthians, "I have planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase" (1Corinthians 3:6). What if you did not preach the words that caused a man to repent, but you encouraged the man who preached to the man who repented? The man who preached would not even have had the confidence to preach if not for your small encouragement. I say small, because it looks small at first, but it is really not that small in the grand scheme of things.

Perhaps God has chosen you to be a hidden vessel who does not receive much praise or adoration in this life. But consider Paul's allegory of the human body in 1Corinthians 12. Those members which seem unimportant are really actually very important.

I say these things to get you to realize that your little decisions in life make a big different. You have to look deeper than the surface. You have to realize there is a reason why we are to do all things for the glory of God. All things, big or small. Everything. You have no idea how big an impact your decisions and actions can make; even if you never see the results until eternity, when God rewards you with the knowledge of how he used you in so many vital ways.

There are three major categories I want to cover in this series:

1) Purchases Based on Biblical Principles

2) Spending Wisely and Doing Business With Christian Principles

3) Time Stewardship

All of these topics have to do with the subject of stewardship. Our whole lives are issues of stewardship. And speaking of stewardship, my wife has been reading me portions of a book called To Whom Much is Given by G. Ernest Thomas, which I am beginning to be convinced that it is probably the most needed and greatest Christian book ever written. It is funny because it is virtually unknown. It is written by a man who is probably not even alive anymore, written in 1956 I believe. We found it at a Mennonite thrift shop a couple of months ago. I could not find much information at all about the author or the book. But I will be quoting from the book in this series of blog posts, because the material in it is so good.

May the Lord Jesus Christ use what is written for his glory, and direct the content that goes into the series of posts to come. Amen.

Swiss Kinist

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Christian Charity vs Cultural Marxism

"Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.

And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.

Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,

Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;

Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;

Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things."  -- 1 Corinthians 13:1-7

Conservative Christians in America in the 21st century are not really Christian in practice at all. Not in much anyway. They are Social Marxists that dress up their doctrine in cute Bible verses of political correctness. There are varying degrees of this false Christianity, but the general spirit of all groups in this category are the same. All groups love the praise of men more than the praise of God (John 12:43).

These false Christians do not exercise true charity; it just takes certain scenarios to bring out the truth of who they really are. It is easy for these Christians to "bear all things" or "hope all things" to not be easily provoked, to suffer long, etc. as long as their brethren are jumping through all the hoops of Christian Political Correctness. But once you step outside that box, their true character comes out; they do not love their brethren at all. They lash out with all the hatred and venom they can muster up. They give you no chance to explain yourself, and do not give you the benefit of the doubt. It turns out that what was considered "Christian Charity" when they appeared to show love, was simply an exercise in the world's religion of Cultural Marxism.

Here are a few rants that I have regarding this topic:

1) Christians are willing to tolerate just about any behavior imaginable. They will bear with those who are drunkards, with those who have various addiction problems, have sexual sin problems, etc. But if you are perceived as being racist, then all the rules of love and patience evaporate. Do they ever come to you and say, "Hey brother, can I discuss your beliefs with you? I am concerned". No. There is just immediate condemnation.

2) Why do these same Christians not apply that same standard to their Christian forefathers, who all thought on the same terms as Christian Nationalists and Kinists do today? One might argue that we "ought to know better" or that our forefathers were just blinded by the spirit of their age, who "happened to be racist".

3) But let's talk about the spirit of these two ages. Which period of American history was more Christian? Pre 1950s or Post 1950s? I am not going to get into a lot of detail here, but meditate on that for a little bit.

4) Why is it that the same people that promoted the feminist women's movement (which is clearly anti-Christ), the Sodomite movement, and the civil rights/equality/race mixing movement... why it is that all three of these things have been and are currently promoted by radical left-wing Marxists of the past and present? And then ask yourself, why are Christians so quick to join these Marxists and treat so-called racism with the same vehement hatred as radical Marxists, Haters of God do?

5) Ask yourself why no Christian group ever entertained the thought of being so full of zeal to "combat racism"until Marxists had a long established reputation for doing so. Who is the church following anyways? It certainly is not Jesus Christ and the Bible. If you are honest, you will have to come to terms that the only reason that the church is coming so hard against "being racist" is because the world considers it a great and horrific sin.

Here are the two categories of Christians that fall into the spirit of the world in their thinking:

1) The first category is the more progressive bunch. They follow the spirit of the world consistently, unlike their conservative counterparts. If the world is teaching someone is really, really bad, then they make sure they find a few Bible verses to back up the world's doctrine. They want to make sure that Christianity is acceptable and well-favored in the eyes of the world. They are unwilling to follow Jesus to the death in any way, shape, or form.

2) The second category is the more conservative bunch. They follow the spirit of the world at an arm's length distance. They do not want to be accused of compromising the word of God, but they also do not want to be utterly hated by everyone. They too, are unwilling to follow Jesus to the death. They are willing to follow Jesus so long as the temperature does not get too uncomfortable (they are willing to be a little bit uncomfortable and break a sweat, but unwilling to die). But the more corrupt the world goes, the further along the path of apostasy they will travel. As long as they appear to be defending the word of God (because they are not as bad as the progressive group, mentioned above), they are happy.

An Appeal to Your Conscience (If you have one)

Does it at all strike you as uncharitable, lacking in maturity, or illogical that a Christian brother of yours, who writes on the subjects of charity, modesty, humility, servanthood, complete devotion to Christ above all else, etc... does it seem wrong at all that you dismiss all the writings on these kinds of topics, because the writings are coming from someone who you perceive as racist? You can dismiss all that is written about genuine Christian living based on your biased perception of who you think I am or what you think I believe? I have never seen such hasty judgments according to appearance (John 7:24) in my life. Yet I am told I am the judgmental one?

So when I encourage someone to read an article on my blog about Christian humility, or about putting others above yourself, or about loving your brethren... instead of hearing me out, you can dismiss everything I write because I am a racist? That kind of mindset is so entirely inconsistent with what you would do with other Christians with whom you disagree, or even Christians whom you may think are compromising in truth in some areas of doctrine and/or practice.

Of course Christians do not do this consistently. Practically every great man of God (from the past) that Christians quote from, were racist (according to these Christians). Yet these Christians extol the virtues of such men and quote them as authoritative.

Modern Examples of my own

Michael Pearl is a guy that people love to hate, and I have talked about him before. But he hates the doctrine which I believe (Calvinism) with fervent hatred. He has a lot of screwed up doctrine. But when he speaks on the Biblical topic of child training, I listen. Because what he teaches on that subject is not only Biblical, but practical and helpful. If I were to refuse to listen to him on the grounds of his unloving attitude toward Calvinists (which is a sin on his part), then I would be, not only a fool, but a very proud one at that.

There are Christians I know that hold to beliefs that the earth is "millions of years old," believing in an old earth, which is harmful to believe and entirely unbiblical. Do I speak in opposition to their doctrine? Of course I do. Do I dismiss everything they say on other spiritual topics as a result? Do I show them hatred instead of love? Do I shun them instead of receive them as a brother? Of course I do not. Perhaps in my immature Christian days I would have; perhaps in the days when I thought that if you were not a fundamental Baptist, then you probably were not a Christian. But now, no, never would I hold such an attitude of pride. I believe in having true Christian Charity.

The pride I spoke about (in the above paragraph) is exactly what you Kinist-haters are practicing. Even if we are wrong about what we believe, will you not at least give us the benefit of the doubt, that perhaps we are just misinformed on that one subject? Should every word we say be dismissed as if we were denying the Deity of Christ, or the Death and Resurrection of our Lord? Can any of our writings stand on their own merit, especially when this entire blog has very little Kinist promotion on it?

But nay, of course not. The spirit of the world has called for complete and utter hatred of any Christian of our liking. So the Marxist Christian, to keep in step, to avoid the so-called sin of racism himself, must be more fanatical about being opposed to racism than any other thing. Can you think of any thing at all in Christianity that stirs up Christians to action more than this topic? What a sad testimony, especially considering the origins of the anti-racism movement. It shows who these Christians are truly worshiping (and it is not the Lord Jesus).

Did it ever occur to you that us Kinists believe that your persistence to defend Marxism is incredibly detrimental both to our society, and to the name of Jesus Christ? Yet you are still counted as a brother, and listened to on other Biblical subjects by Kinists. And we thank God for you in many ways.

My brethren, consider your ways, and repent. Pray and meditate on these things with a sincere and open heart before the Lord Jesus Christ. May he give you understanding in all things, perfectly. Amen.

Swiss Kinist

The 21st Century American Church Definition of Love or Charity:

Love accepts everyone regardless of their lifestyle or regard for the law of God and of Christ (unless you are guilty of racism).
Love never exhorts, rebukes, or speaks against evil (unless you are not a Marxist).
Love only speaks positive things (unless you are not bowing to the spirit of this age)
Love is tolerant to everyone and everything (Except for those evil, intolerant people)
Love does not rejoice in God's word at all costs, but rather, rejoices in political correctness and keeping in line with multiculturalism.


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

True Sons of Abraham

" I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father.

They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham.

But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham." -- John 8:38-40

I ran into a good brother through the comments section on Tribal Theocrat a few months ago. Clement Pulaski, author of the website True Sons of Abraham, is a Christian Nationalist who presents a very balanced view of living the Christian life and holding to Nationalist views; in my opinion, much more balanced than Kinists are. You can read his free ebook Weep Over Jerusalem and Clement has also recorded a debut podcast The Philosophies of our Enemies which you can download for free. As of today, you can find all of this on the immediate homepage, but hopefully the links I attached will work for you also.

Clement has had a similar journey to what I have had, and appears to have come to same conclusion as me, in that we cannot join in allegiance with ungodly, Christ-hating, Nationalists. Only the Lord Jesus Christ can give us the victory. And as I have stated before, the ultimate goal is to glorify God through Jesus Christ and do his will, laying down our own goals, desires, and dreams for the sake of the gospel.

Swiss Kinist

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Why I Hate Reformed Christianity

Let me begin by correcting any preconceived notions you might have in your head because of the title. I do have a Reformed understanding of scripture. I believe in the doctrines of grace and many of the other doctrines that the Reformed hold to. It is not the doctrine I have a problem with, it is the type of churches that spring up from those who hold those doctrines, and the type of Christian these type of churches are producing. The fruit is terrible, even as the fruit of the Pharisees was terrible in the days of Jesus, even though they may have had a proper understanding of the scriptures as a whole. Consider the words of Jesus:

"Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples,

Saying The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat:

All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not." -- Matthew 23:1-3

Understand that my point here is not to compare the actions of the Pharisees with the actions of today's Reformed. I think I have heard enough sermons and read enough documents on the so-called dangers of Pharisee-ism that it makes me want to choke someone. My point is that the Reformed stand in the place of holding the authority of God's word; they teach the correct doctrine, but they do not live a lifestyle or behave practically as one would expect of those who are closest to the truth of God's word.

The Anabaptist has a theological problem because he views the New Testament apart from the Old Testament. He almost practically takes the Old Testament and rips it out of his Bible and throws it in the trash... almost. And because of that he has huge theological issues, such as non-resistance and dispensationalism, and an over-emphasis on foreign missions.

The Reformed has a Theological problem because he ignores what the Anabaptist sees as obvious; there is a fundamental difference between the spirit of the Old and New Covenants. But the Anabaptist takes this way too far, and justifies corrupt notions such as two kingdom theology. The Reformed, he ignores it altogether. As Brother Denny [Kenaston] put it in the Godly Home Series:

In the Old Covenant you gave 10 %
But in the New Covenant you give everything

In the Old Covenant the first born son belonged to the LORD
But in the New Covenant you all of your children belong to the LORD

The Reformed has an Old Covenant mindset. He has a bare minimum type of Christianity. He prefers order and structure more than he does spiritual life (and no, I am not against order and structure!!). He loves to go to church. We are going to God's house! says he. So make sure you dress in your Sunday best [clothing] for God!

Of course, this attitude and mindset is repugnant to the Anabaptist, because he values spiritual life more than he values the order and structure. And he loves to have fellowship with Jesus and give his best every day, not just Sunday. I love these lines from Keith Green in To Obey is Better than Sacrifice:

To obey is better than sacrifice
I want more than Sundays and Wednesday nights
'Cause if you can't come to me everyday
Then don't bother coming at all

To obey is better than sacrifice
I want hearts of fire, not your prayers of ice...

The Reformed is so caught up in correct theology that he will pick apart an excellent sermon, article, family, person, or whatever and condemn it or that person because they are not exactly correct in doctrine; even if causes people to turn from darkness to light! Even if it produces more fruit of godliness than something that is correct doctrinally. This is totally insane. The Reformed is like the establishment who would rather have a birthing mother die in birth than have a midwife save the mother's life by "practicing medicine without a license". We know a certain church elder who hates all Anabaptists and most non-reformed. And even if you produce a godly family that honors Christ with everything they are, if they are Anabaptist, then they did not turn out right and he will never thank God for that family (or learn from them)! Wow! So the Reformed cares more about being right than doing right. This is absolute and utter pride and an abomination to God.

Knowing God or Knowing About God?

The Reformed values knowing about God more than he values knowing God. The Reformed has failed to take to heart and meditate on these types of passages:

"Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth." --1Corinthians 8:1

"And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing." -- 1Corinthians 13:2

The Reformed values Biblical understanding more than he does charity, more than he does humility, more than he does self-denial and cross bearing; yea, more than he does following the Lord Jesus Christ, knowing him, the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings (Philippians 3:10).

Consider the hero of many Reformed Christians, particularly among Kinists;  Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson did not have the mind and attitude of today's Reformed. He lived his life in complete dedication, always looking for ways that he could deny himself and instead glorify the Lord. Here is an excerpt from Stonewall Jackson: The Man, The Soldier, The Legend: 

“After professing his faith in Christ, he set his face against all worldly conformity, giving up dancing, theater-going, and every amusement that had the tendency to lead his heart away from holy things. When a question was raised as to the right or wrong of indulgences which may consider innocent, he would say pleasantly: 'Well I know it is not wrong not to do it, so I am going to be on the safe side.'”

The Reformed looks to the law to see what he is permitted to do, and if not forbidden, he indulges himself, citing scripture to back up his view. The Anabaptist generally looks to see what is the maximum he can do in order to glorify God with all of his life (see But the Bible Does Not Say Woman cannot wear pants). He looks at life as a chance to deny self and take up his cross, and forsake all that he has (Luke 9:23,24, Luke 14:33). This does not mean you become a monk or a nun so please, put that false image out of your head. I am not saying you cannot have any pleasure at all, and you know that.

And may I say it this way... this is why your Anabaptist brethren do not take any of what you say concerning doctrine, seriously. Seriously folks, why would I listen to someone's philosophy on child training if he has bad results with his own children? And why would I listen to your scriptural philosophy and interpretation if you are living a life of bare minimum obedience? And while you are scoffing at him because he mistakenly (with a sincere heart) does not physically defend his family with force, and because he righteously takes standards of holiness serious, he is at home praying for you.


Oh, I almost forgot my disclaimer! I forgot that in America it is illegal (well, not quite) to speak about anything in general terms. You must speak about each individual. Whoops! Anyhow, yes, I am not speaking about every single individual Reformed person. I am speaking of Reformed Christianity as a whole, in general.

The Anabaptist is not without issues, as mentioned previously. He would reject just about every Keith Green song, just because it does not line up with a set of principles they ascribe, even though Keith Green turned many away from unrighteousness, and his songs, for the most part, are entirely beautiful and Christ-honoring. His music is not like today's garbage "Christian" music.


Both Reformed and Anabaptist theological problems lead to practical problems that are hindering the church of Jesus Christ; they are hindering the army that should be making Satan tremble. Let us attack the gates of hell with the correct doctrine and the correct lifestyle. I am praying toward the end that one day we will see the strengths of both groups merge together and bring glory to Jesus Christ in this land once again.

Swiss Kinist