
Monday, March 7, 2016

Upcoming YouTube Videos March and April 2016

The YouTube channel is finally off the ground for Swiss Kinist. In addition to the Introduction Video, there are two episodes recorded, but not yet edited, and a 3rd video that will be in the making soon:

1) My take on Donald Trump- This is a long recording and I need to edit it down quite a bit

2) How Christians in this generation, in America, are entirely compromised on truth; how Christians ought to be the key players behind standing for truth against Marxist lies.

This one will end up being approximately 30 minutes, and I still need to edit it. And although I recorded the Trump video first, I will likely post this video before the Trump one, particularly because it will not take as long to edit.

I am hoping to get my video #2 above posted to YouTube by the end of this week, which should be no problem. Then I will post what I had on Trump, probably 2 weeks after that. I hope to have a 2 week schedule, but if I am able to do more often, I will.

3) A video review of a kitchen product that we own. My goal is to review and promote American made, quality products. The more of us who buy American made, the better opportunity we have to make an impact on Americans losing our jobs to foreigners.

As stated previously, I want to give the Christian perspective on all areas of life, down to the last detail. God is not indifferent to even the smallest of choices that we make. All that we do, should be done for the glory of God. And we need to think and act beyond the surface, and look down the road, instead of to only our immediate needs and situations.

Swiss Kinist

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