This is a Guest Post by Elisabeth Gygax,
daughter of Hans Gygax
This article was originally published at Faithful Nation, which website is at least temporarily shut off by the web hosting company.
Our family has watched many videos of Doug Wilson. He’s a godly
Christian man. And we’ve seen his son, N.D. Wilson, follow in his steps. So
when my Dad saw that he’d written some children’s books… well, what could go
So Dad ordered his first two books in a series- 100 Cupboards and Dandelion Fire– from the library. And he brought them home for us children to read. We all love reading, so I and three of my younger brothers immediately pounced on them. From what our Dad and my older brother had gathered from what they had read, we got the impression that these books would be spiritual- written as if one is deep within the spiritual realm and it is real life. So we didn’t quite catch what was going on at first.
The first book we had some questions about, but it wasn’t obvious. But when it
came to the second one… it was too much. I told my brothers to stop reading the
books but finished them myself for the full context. I brought my concerns to
my dad. He asked me to write a review, which I did. And then he asked me to
write this article.
Although N.D. Wilson is highly imaginative and a very talented writer, there are some major concerns I have about his books that I strongly feel must be addressed. I do this because I am concerned for my fellow Christians who may read Wilson’s books- especially because they are written by a Christian author. We, as Christians, don’t want to create anything that will dishonor God, do we? And as Christians, do we want to fill our minds with things that displease God, even though they’re just make-believe? I know what’s right and what’s wrong, you say. A little make believe won’t hurt me.
4:8: “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are
honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever
things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any
virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”
And what about 2 Corinthians 10:5?
“Casting down imaginations, and every high
thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into
captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”
When we read a book or watch a movie or anything in between, we need to ask
ourselves this question: What lessons is this teaching? And we need to pray
that God will give us discernment, for although we are Christians and Satan
cannot control us, we can still be oppressed by him if we allow it. Evil
spirits can still influence us if we open ourselves up. Even if we don’t
realize it.
And how will we answer this question? With the Word of God. The answer to all
our questions when determining right from wrong can and should be found there
(see 2 Timothy 3:16-17, for example). So this is what we are going to do with
the two books 100 Cupboards and Dandelion
Fire: we’re going to break
them down and answer that question.
Please note that I am not, by any of this article, implying that N.D. Wilson is
not saved and/or that he did anything wrong purposefully. Our family used to
defend “white” magic in books, movies, etc., as well, thinking of it as just a
fun, make-believe thing. But now that God has opened our eyes, I cannot say
nothing to my fellow Christians if the occasion arises. And I believe that the
need has arisen. I do this for my fellow Christians. I do this in prayer that
maybe the Lord will use this article to help them to consider that perhaps we
have blended with the world’s thinking in some areas. I write this not only for
the sake of N.D. Wilson’s work, but to compare all magic with Scripture. What
does the Scripture say about this subject? We must know. So without further
ado, let’s begin.
Question: What lessons are 100 Cupboards and
Dandelion Fire teaching?
- That
there are two kinds of magic: “Black” and “White”
This fact will be obvious to anyone who reads these books. “White” magic is
“good” magic. And if the good people in the books are using magic for good…
well, then the books are obviously saying that there is such a thing as good
magic. Magic can be used for either good or evil, they say… but stop. What does
God tell us about magic?
shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to
pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an
enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a
wizard, or a necromancer. For all these things are an abomination to the Lord.”
— Deuteronomy 18:10-12
The subject of magic can
be found all over in the Bible, but these are some of the prominent verses that
first came to my mind. After I wrote that down, I decided to look up the Hebrew
definitions of several words pertaining to our subject.
Here they are:
Divine sentence- witchcraft
Witchcraft– To whisper a spell- to enchant or practice magic sorcery
Enchanter– Whisper a magic spell
Witch– To enchant or practice magic- a sorcerer
Wizard– A conjurer
And for a few other words not contained in Scripture, I used the Webster’s 1828
dictionary, a very reliable source for the older definitions of words and a
reliable Christian dictionary as well. Webster even references to verses
Conjure (Webster’s
Dictionary): To expel, to drive or affect, in some manner, by magic arts… or by
use of certain words, characters, or ceremonies to engage supernatural
influence; as, to conjure up evil spirits…
Magic (Webster’s Dictionary): The art or science of producing
wonderful effects by the aid of superhuman beings, or of departed spirits;
sorcery; enchantment
In no place in the Bible is magic portrayed as good. It’s always evil. It’s a
bonding of the soul with demons, and using their power. Those who practice such
works are to be put to death (see Exodus 22:18). So we see clearly that even
“white” magic is forbidden and completely wicked. There cannot be “good” magic-
especially because it is a force apart from God’s power.
But what if, you say, God could portray His power with magic?
Why in the world would He do that? Why would He show forth His
holy power using something He hates? Why would He permit His children to use
the power of demons? A witch is clearly to be killed (Exodus 22:18) so why
would He allow His children to do as witches do? There are no such things as
“good” witches. Witches are sorcerers, ones who whisper magic spells. This is
not God’s power working through His children. This is the work of demons.
But, you protest, the witch in the two books was portrayed as evil!
Well, let’s look again at the definition of the word witch in Hebrew.
To enchant or practice magic- a sorcerer
By this definition, aren’t a whole lot of characters in the book practicing
witchcraft? God will cut off those who go a whoring after wizards and familiar
spirits (see Leviticus 20:6). Wizardry and using the devil’s power are one the
same. In 2 Kings 21:6, it says that King Manasseh “made
his son to pass through the fire, and observed times, and used enchantments,
and dealt with familiar spirits and wizards: he wrought much wickedness in the
sight of the Lord, to provoke Him to anger.” So here we see that
sacrificing our children, observing times, using enchantments, and dealing with
devils and wizards are all in the same category!
For there are only two powers in the world: God’s and Satan’s. The wizards get
their power from the familiar spirits (devils). But, you protest, white magic
cannot be the power of devils, for the users are doing good. They are using
magic for a good cause.
Cannot Satan appear to do good? He himself appears as an “angel of
light” (2 Corinthians 11:14). It is often incredibly difficult to see through
Satan’s disguises, and that is why we need to
“[B]elieve not every spirit, but try the
spirits to see whether they are of God” (1 John 4:1).
How will we try the spirits? Through God’s Word. For it is
profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness
(1 Timothy 3:16).
Hebrews 4:12:
“For the Word of God is quick, and powerful,
and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of
soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the
thoughts and intents of the heart.”
Besides, they are clearly not using God’s power in Wilson’s work,
or in any of the books/movies I’ve seen throughout my life with white magic. No
one ever gives any credit for anything to God. Is this the case throughout
Scripture, with the people who served God? The miracles and wonders God works
are clearly His doing. Consider Elijah. What about Elisha? What about Jesus?
The apostles? It was God’s hand at work throughout all the miracles, signs, and
wonders, and everyone knew it. And, if they didn’t, the ones whom God used to
work the miracle made sure it was known to be God’s hand. In 1 Kings 17, after
Elijah prayed to God and God brought the widow’s dead son back to life, Elijah
brought the widow’s son to her, saying, “See, thy son liveth.” And what was her
response? “Now by this I know that thou art a man of
God, and that the Word of the Lord in thy mouth is truth.” (1 Kings
17:23-25). When God used Paul and Barnabas to heal a lame man in Acts 17, and
the people would have worshipped them, Paul and Barnabas ripped their clothes
and ran among the people, saying that they themselves were also men, and that
they were only trying to preach that the people should turn to God (see Acts
2. That there is, ultimately, no God
Even though N.D. Wilson does mention God twice in his book when Henry (sort of)
prayed on page 225 of Dandelion Fire and when Eli swears “before God and these
witnesses” on page 338, the books, as far as I know, never mention Him before
or afterwards and never give Him any credit for anything. I don’t see why
Wilson even bothered to mention Him at all.
And listen to this part; when Henry, our main character, was being christened,
what his beautiful, gentle mother Hyacinth (yes, definitely portrayed as a good
character) told the priest who was christening Henry:
“Who fathered this child?”
Hyacinth: “Mordecai Westmore.”
Priest: “Who bore him?”
Hyacinth: “I did.”
Priest: “What path is meant for his feet?”
Hyacinth: “The one true path.”
Priest: “What God shall walk before him?”
Hyacinth: “The true Gods shall be the God before him.”
(Dandelion Fire, page 415. Emphasis added)
Here, clearly, it says Gods (plural). And who on earth are the
“true Gods”? The Bible clearly says that there is only ONE God (see Mark 12:32;
1 Timothy 2:5) and that we shall have NO other gods before Him (see Exodus
If N.D. Wilson’s work is not pressing God as God, who is it pressing as God?
Who should you trust? Wilson’s work answers. Yourself, and the power in you.
The magic you possess. Your own power. Not God’s.
(Ex: Dandelion Fire, pages 450-454)
Listen to what Caleb, Henrietta’s uncle (who is definitely portrayed as a good
character), says to Henrietta on page 341 of Dandelion
stubborn,” Caleb said. “As stubborn as a stone mule.” She (Henrietta) clenched
her teeth and expanded her fistfuls of mane. She could do that. Caleb
continued, his voice a chant. “Your life is your own, your
glory is your glory, but you will lose it if you keep it for
yourself. Grasp it for the sake of others.” (Emphasis added)
She (Henrietta) clenched her teeth and
expanded her fistfuls of mane. She could do that. Caleb continued, his voice a
chant. “Your life is your own, your glory is your glory,
but you will lose it if you keep it for yourself. Grasp it for the sake of
others.” (Emphasis added)
As Christians, our life is not our own- it’s Christ’s (See Mark 8:34-36) and our glorying
must be in the Lord (see 2 Corinthians 10:20) because we can do no good on our
own (see Psalm 53:2-3). True, the quote says not to keep our honor for
ourselves, but to “grasp it for the sake of others”? We are to give our lives
and glory to God- not grasp it for ourselves or others.
3. Occult
N.D.’s work also includes occult practices, such as:
Astral walking is the practice of leaving one’s body and traveling wherever one
wants. The first time Henry did it, it was an accident, but he practices it
later and uses it when imprisoned to leave the room and wander about (see Dandelion
Fire, pages 313-319).
Astral walking is very real and is practiced today. Why in the world do we want
our children to do this occult practice? Oh no, you exclaim, that’s not true!
Isn’t it? You give your child a book in which the reader becomes attached to
the “good” characters, and you don’t expect them to imitate and admire those
characters’ actions? We become like those we are around, whether those people
live next door or live in the book on the shelf. Our hearts are tied to them
and we, though we may be unconscious of it, become like them. (See Proverbs
13:30 and Mark 6:21).
Books on magic
Everyone knows that witches have their spell books and all, right? And everyone
knows that magic can be used for either good or evil, right? Wait!- that’s
wrong. Magic is wicked and damned by God, so it is not justified if we use it
for a good purpose. So if you found spell books, what would you do with them?
Well, in Wilson’s book, Monmouth- the “good” wizard who becomes Henry’s friend-
read them. After all, who wouldn’t want to study magic, right?
Let’s look to the Scripture. Yes, books on magic do occur- in Acts 19. Let’s
many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their deeds. Many of them
also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them
before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand
pieces of silver. So mightily grew the Word of God and prevailed.” (Acts
What happened when the people at Ephesus who formerly used curious arts (magic)
were converted? They burned their books on magic. Those books cost fifty
thousand pieces of silver altogether, and they burned them. And it says that
the Word of God grew and prevailed mightily.
Dreamwalking is a very real thing that people practice today and is altogether
wicked and full of magic. It includes being able to control one’s own dreams
even to the extent of choosing where one is, being able to enter another’s
dreams, and even being able to possess another’s mind, whether human or animal.
You can find articles made by people explaining how to dreamwalk all over. It
is similar to astral walking but not the same. Do you know what they say? Using
dreamwalking, one can see and commune with spirits. With demons.
In Dandelion Fire, our main character
uses this dreamwalking multiple times, primarily on pages 310-313 of Dandelion
Fire, just before he astral
4. Other Questionable Topics
ability to look inside others and see who they are
This happens in a few places on N.D’s book. Henry did this to Nella, the kind
woman who took care of him with her husband, both of whom possessed the second
sight, and to Monmouth (pages 167-168, 312 of Dandelion
Fire). This goes against
what the Bible teaches, that only God can see the heart (1 Samuel 16:7,
Jeremiah 17:10). Monmouth also did this to Henry at the same time as Henry did
it to him.
The World
In Wilson’s world, everything is magic. I mean, everything. Everything is made
up of magic. Of words, spirals, songs, magic. Everything. Including people.
It’s a magic that can be read, if you have the second sight and the knowledge.
This is what Wilson has replaced with God’s beautiful world. He’s replaced it
with something God hates.
Wilson’s books also teach that if one is a seventh son, they
automatically have the second sight, that any random woman can have the second
sight, and that seventh sons can bind to living things, to green growing
things. (See Dandelion Fire, pages 167-169, 296).
When you are a seventh son, especially a “green man” (seventh sons who are
connected to green growing things) you don’t need to be a wizard. You have the
magic powers already.
What in the world are we teaching our children? That because of your order of
birth you automatically have the second sight? That having the second sight is
perfectly okay and if you want to be cool like Henry, you actually want it?
can triumph over good if it is strong enough
When we are Christians, the very gates of hell cannot stand against us (Matthew
16:18) because of Jesus, who won the keys of hell and death (Revelation 1:18)
and who reins over all and sits on the right hand of God (see 1 Peter 3:22). We
have all power through Jesus’ Name over even demons (see Luke 10:17-19) and we
are heirs with Christ (Romans 8:16-17).
Yet despite all this, Wilson’s books- as seems to be the case with all magical
books- have it so that good can triumph over evil if it’s strong enough. You’d
just better hope that the white magic inside you is stronger than a wizard’s
black magic if you happen to run into one, because if his black magic happens
to be stronger…
This concept is easily seen by anyone who reads Wilson’s books. This concept
can be found, I believe, in nearly every book wherein there is white magic vs.
black. Thinking back to all the books and movies I read and watched before God
opened my parents’ eyes to the truth about magic, I can see this concept
everywhere. And yet, can evil triumph over good? Can the devil ever triumph
over Jesus? No. The only way the devil could triumph over a Christian would be
if they weren’t trusting God or were sinning.
I’ll tell you why black magic can triumph over “white” magic. Because they’re
both evil. So that’s not really the problem. The problem is that if we are
teaching that magic can be either good or bad, and we have the evil triumphing
over the “good”, then what is that teaching our children about good and evil?
even the good can be possessed by evil, used by evil
Henry, our main character, would have been possessed by Darius, an
evil man-wizard, been bound to him and made his, the man-witch’s blood in his
veins- had not the son-binding warpspasm malfunctioned (Dandelion
Fire, pages 92-96). Like
being possessed by an evil spirit. Henry’s mind would no longer have been his
own- it would have been Darius’.
What if Henry would have died during the warpspasm process? Well,
then Darius would have absorbed Henry’s spirit and its power of the second
This is what Nimane, the witch, using Darius to help, did to
everyone that she sensed die- she absorbed their spirits and the power inside.
When she destroyed the life of the land, she didn’t just destroy it, she
absorbed all its power. Of both good and bad people (See Dandelion
Fire, pages 96, 274,
360-363,451). This all is contrary to Jesus’ promise that, as Christians, our
souls are safe in Christ and no one will be able to pluck us out of His hand
(John 10:28), and that nothing on earth can separate us from His love (Romans
Yet, all that’s not really a problem, for none of our characters
are Christians anyway. Exactly! you say. So why bring it up at all?
Why would we want our children to delve themselves into the realm
of evil? We are supposed to be wise (knowledgeable) about good and simple
(unlearned) about evil (Romans 16:19). Every book our children read and every
movie they watch, they will be affected by. If we allow them to read books that
portray evil as good, their little minds, which are still moldable and forming,
will be twisted. Subconsciously. Do we want that for our children? Do we want
that for us? Do we want to bring evil into our minds?
Another concern I have is the characters’ characteristics, especially the
children’s. For example:
Proud and independent, Henrietta refuses to show any signs of weakness, and
will lie freely to guard herself. She hides things from her parents and
friends, and has almost no remorse at all about lying and even stealing (A few
examples: pages 11, 15-16, 19, 55, 239-240, of Dandelion
Fire). She sneaks into
dangerous places without asking or telling anyone (ex: pages 42-50 of Dandelion
Fire). She does a lot of
this with Henry, who isn’t quite as bad but still does hide lots of things from
people (ex: pages 44-49 of 100
The youngest of the Willis family, Anastasia has almost no remorse about lying
or sneaking on other people’s conversations (ex: pages 90-94 of 100
Cupboards). Why
would she, anyway? Her older sister does it.
Are these all characteristics we want our children to have? Do we
want them to lie or steal, or hide important or dangerous things from us? No,
of course not! And yet some of our favorite characters have these as realities
in their lives.
19:11: “Ye shall not steal, neither deal falsely, nor lie one to another.”
My conclusion is this: that if we desire to follow and love the Lord with all
our heart, soul, and mind, then we need to always measure everything against
His Word. And never accept something just because everyone else, Christian or
not, accepts it.
If God’s Word says otherwise, are we willing to change?
—Elisabeth Gygax
I would ask about black magic being used distinctly by a villain in a story? Such as the White Witch in the Chronicles of Narnia? C. S. Lewis distinctly associated magic with the evil witch. What is your take on that?
ReplyDeleteAnd does the magic associated with the witch immediately negate the symbolism portrayed throughout the story of the Chronicles of Narnia?
I’d love if you talked about it in your next YouTube video!
ReplyDeleteHello! Thank you for your comment! I had actually been hoping for comments such as this. I will strive, with God's help, to answer adequately. :)
So I think your questions come from misunderstanding. Magic is a very real and practiced thing, as shown by the Bible and history, and so having a magic-practicer in a story is not wrong at all IF they are portrayed as they ought: wicked. Why? Because God calls it wickedness.
So no, having a bad Witch in Narnia is not a problem with it. The problems come in other ways in the books. First, you are mistaken to think that only the white Witch uses magic. For example:
[The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe]
"Have you forgotten the Deep Magic?" asked the Witch.
"Let us say I have forgotten it," answered Aslan gravely. "Tell us of this Deep Magic."
"Tell you?" said the Witch, her voice growing suddenly shriller. "Tell you what is written on that very Table of Stone which stands beside us? Tell you what is written in letters deep as a spear is long on the trunk of the World Ash Tree? Tell you what is engraved on the sceptre of the Emperor-Beyond-the-Sea? You at least know the magic which the Emperor put into Narnia at the very beginning. You know that every traitor belongs to me as my lawful prey and that for every treachery I have a right to a kill."
I apologize; my comment had to be written in two parts due to the length of it. Hopefully you saw both. :)
ReplyDelete-Elisabeth Gygax
Where did your second comment go?
ReplyDeleteHmm. Let me try again.
ReplyDelete[The Voyage of the Dawn Treader]
ReplyDelete'For the Book, the Magic Book, was lying on a reading-desk in the very middle of the room. ... And what a book it was! ... Lucy could hardly tear herself away from that first page, but when she turned over, the next was just as interesting. ... she began looking at the pictures. And all at once she saw the very last thing she expected—a picture of a third class carriage in a train, with two schoolgirls sitting in it. ... They were Marjorie Preston and Anne Featherstone. Only now it was much more than a picture. It was alive. ... She could see the two girls laughing and talking. Then gradually ... she could hear what they were saying.'
Lucy is practicing a type of "crystal-gazing" called scrying, but she is using a magic spell book to do it. This is a type of divining (or divination). After she watches the magic images, Lucy finds "A Spell to make hidden things visible":
"She turned on and found to her surprise a page with no pictures at all; but the first words were A Spell to make hidden things visible. She read it through to make sure of all the hard words and then said it out loud. And she knew at once that it was working..."'
Aslan then appears. Lewis writes:
"Oh, Aslan," said she (Lucy), "it was kind of you to come."
"I have been here all the time," said he, "but you have just made me visible."
"Aslan!" said Lucy almost a little reproachfully. "Don't make fun of me. As if anything I could do would make you visible!"
"It did," said Aslan. "Do you think I wouldn't obey my own rules?"'
Also, [The Magician's Nephew]
"Son of Adam," said Aslan, ".... The Witch ... has fled far away into the North of the world; she will live on there, growing stronger in dark Magic. ..." (See here the teaching that there are two sides to magic: "Dark" and "Light")
So we see from these quotes clearly that magic is engrafted into Narnia, and that it's a free-for-all where anyone can use that same power with the choice to use it for good or evil. That goes against the truth, where magic and God's power are two separate powers completely and absolutely cannot be mixed. Either God is using His power through you or you are calling upon the powers of darkness to aid you in your goals.
Secondly, there are utterly pagan and demonic characters in Narnia. These include: Tumnus the fawn, representative of Pan; the River-god; Silenius; Bacchus; the Meanads; satyurs, nymphs, centuars, etc. To learn more about these and how they are used in Narnia, I have inserted links below. :)
Therefore, while I will not deny the Christian symbolism in Narnia, one cannot ignore the wrong in it. As God says, a little leaven leavens the whole lump; and for an example, 1% poison in rat poison is enough to kill the rats even though the other 99% is good food.
Here are some very good, concise and short articles on Narnia that I will give you the links to:
I pray this all was helpful. Feel free to ask any more questions if you have them. God bless you,
Elisabeth Gygax